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The application for the 2024-2025  HOD student delegation is now open!!

Posted 4 months ago by Paola Gonzalez in Announcements

Dear PALH Members,

We wanted to bring to your attention an exciting opportunity for students within AAPA. The application for the 2024-2025  HOD student delegation is now open. This opportunity is available to all AAPA student members.

Student delegates, elected by the Student Academy Board of Directors, will represent PA students nationwide during the HOD. The House addresses various issues including policy changes, clinical practice enhancements, and professional advancement. Prior to the Conference, students will engage with other delegates and AAPA leaders to gain insight into the workings of the HOD.

If selected, student delegates are expected to attend the 2025 HOD meeting in Denver, Colorado, from May 16-18. Further details regarding responsibilities, time commitments, and financial considerations are outlined in the application. The deadline for applications is Sunday, June 25th.

Warm regards,
PALH(PAs for Latino Health) Board.