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Crisis in Israel/Palestine

Posted 7 months ago by Paola Gonzalez in Announcements

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As president of the organization, it has been quite difficult to process all that has been happening in our current state of affairs.

Myself along with the rest of the board would like to share our thoughts regarding the situation and ask that you support those innocent people that are being affected here and abroad. Many are suffering and you can be the person to be there, to show compassion, emotional intelligence and encourage others to step back and consider the situation thru the lens of humanity. As healers, we can be the first ones to step forward and step up to the challenge to reach peace.

PAs for Latino Health deeply empathizes with the complexity of the situation and the profound impact it has on the lives of many.

Following the brutal attack against Israeli civilians launched by Hamas terrorists and the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded for Palestinian civilians as conditions deteriorate in Gaza; thousands of innocent people, including Israelis, Palestinians and individuals from other nations, including U.S. citizens, have perished. As an organization of providers committed to saving lives and to protecting our community, it is horrifying and heartbreaking to witness the immense suffering of people in this region.

This message is not about politics. It is about condemning terrorism and any act of violence perpetrated against innocent civilians. It is about speaking out against and forcefully rejecting anti semitism, Islamophobia and hatred of any other religion, background or culture. This has no place in America or anywhere in the world.

We can only fight hate with love. We need to see the humanity in others to be able to reach peace. We need to step back and speak up against these atrocities and help our communities in this time of pain and grief.



Paola Gonzalez, MPAS, PA-C

President, PALH