Hospital Medicine - Physician Assistant New
Lufkin, TX
Hiring Company
SCP Health
Position Description
- 4 Physicians per day 7am-7pm
- 1 Nocturnist Physician 7pm-7am
- 149 hospital beds
- 27 ICU focuses on post cath, stemi, vascular surgery, open heart
surgery, and IABP, with a healthy influx of patients that would
traditionally be in a medical ICU (DKA, respiratory failure, GI
bleed, post-code, renal failure)
- Open ICU with ICU Back-up
- ICU rounds required
- HM is responsible for everything except vents (pulmonologist handles vents)
- Open ICU with ICU Back-up
- 71 daily census
- Average Daily Census per Physician: 15-18
- Roughly 3 admits per physician/day
- Integrated SCP Emergency Department
- 7 on / 7 off block schedule; 12-hour shifts
- Sub-specialty support
- The ER runs the codes, the HM docs must go to the room if it is their patient
- Procedures are optional
- There are procedure teams for those who enjoy central lines, intubations, etc.
- EMR: Medhost
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