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PALH and AHPAC Bayer Medical Education Luncheon Program at AAPA 2024

1777 Walker Street Suite A
Houston, TX 77010

Monday, May 20, 2024 at 12:30pm CT - 1:30pm CT
This event has ended.

Local Meet Up
1777 Walker Street Suite A, Houston, TX 77010



CV Risk in Patients with CKD Associated with T2D and CV Outcomes in Finerenone Clinical Trials

Additional Information

AAPA 2024 in Houston !!
Bayer Medical Education Program
Monday, May 20th at 12:30pm CST!!

1777 Walker Street, Suite A,
Houston, TX 77010

located at Marriott Marquis -1st floor

Lecture on:“ CV Risk in Patients with CKD Associated with T2D and CV Outcomes in Finerenone Clinical Trials”

Hosted by: Kimberly Cantillon PA-C, Kristi Harding PA-C, Joe Largay, PAC, and Maria O’Connor PA-C

 Cardio-Renal Medical Science Liaison Team

Bayer Pharmaceuticals

U.S. Medical Affairs